Jessica Guerrero

Registered Nurse

National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach

Compelling Speaker

15 Years experience in healthcare, 2 Years exclusively coaching women in high burnout professions 

Jessica is a creative and multi-passionate health coach and behavior change enthusiast. With a penchant for adventure and an abundance of curiosity, she helps women in high burnout professions breakfree from ignoring their health and life-giving needs, one gentle step at a time. Jessica’s the founder of This is Your Life Health and Wellness Coaching and specializes in turning professionals on the verge of burnout into more rested, relaxed, and happy people.

With more than fifteen years experience in the healthcare industry, she knows what it’s like to feel burned out and unsure of what to do about it. By learning how to prioritize herself and manage her energy, she was able to stop running out of steam and start feeling better, brighter and happier, at work and at home. She now offers free, “Where to Begin Sessions” to others like her, who can relate to being overworked, exhausted and ready for a change. 

You don’t have to feel burned out and lost on what to do about it. I’m here to help you take charge of managing your energy so you can start living a life you can’t wait to wake up for. 

Speaking Topics

Revitalize, Rejuvenate, and Reclaim: Mastering Real Self-Care to Prevent Burnout

Could how you manage your energy be similar to managing your money? Yes! In this interactive talk, you’ll learn the six surprising areas of your life that are seemingly unrelated to health and burnout, but hugely impact the way your brain and body functions at work and at home. Participants will have an opportunity to reflect on what refuels their energy and what depletes it, and will learn strategies that prevent burnout and ensure your health bank account is overflowing with abundant reserves of energy.

Speaking Experience

  • Speaking from the stage (100+ attendees) and to small, intimate Q & A groups and interviews 

  • Speaking since 2020

  • Speaking formats include seminars, trainings, keynotes, tele-classes, webinars, and tele-summits

Speaking Focus

  •  Taking control of your health and energy 

  • Managing stress and overwhelm

  • Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries

Speaking Style

  • Engaging, humorous, and direct

  • Sharing personal experiences in managing burnout, stress, and overwhelm

  • Teaching in a grounded and easy to understand way 

  • Exploring modern ideas with a fresh perspective 

Speaking Audience

  • Healthcare groups 

  • Educator groups

  • Networking groups 

  • Live Conferences

To Book Jessica for Your Next Event
Ready to talk about booking Jessica for your next event or creating a custom training for your group? 

Email Jessica today @


I recommend Jessica Guerrero as a compassionate women's wellness speaker. With her nursing background in women's health and empowerment, Jessica delivers engaging and informative topics that inspire positive change. Her expertise covers a wide range of topics, from mental and emotional well-being to physical health, and self-care. Jessica’s relatable and caring coaching approach resonates with women of all ages, making her an excellent choice for workshops, and events focused on women's wellness and mental health. Her ability to provide practical advice and evidence-based insights ensures that attendees leave her sessions feeling empowered and equipped to prioritize their health and well-being.

~ Mindy Smith, President of I94 Chamber of Commerce

My name is Cassie Marino VanDyke; I am the Senior Online Program Manager at Dress for Success Twin Cities. Our mission is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing the clothing, consulting and coaching and classes that women need to thrive both in work and in life. I had the pleasure of hosting Jessica Guerrero as a featured guest speaker for one of our recent classes. She spoke for a class on healthy choices for a healthier lifestyle and did a phenomenal job. The slideshow presentation Jessica had prepared was easy to follow and comprehend; the information that she shared was exactly what we needed and just what the women wanted. Jessica's presentation helped them gain a better understanding of how they could take ownership of their own health and left them feeling hopeful that they could actually do so. 

As a speaker, Jessica was poised, polished, and professional; her passion for her subject truly showed! Her manner was warm and engaging, and several of the ladies on the class commented to me that they felt encouraged and inspired. I am so grateful to Jessica for sharing her expertise with all of us; we had a wonderful class!

As a mom and busy professional, I often feel exhausted and wish I had more energy. Even though I know what I should do, it’s so easy to fall back into unhealthy habits. Jessica gave me quick, practical tools to boost my energy in the moments when I feel the most drained. I love Jessica’s supportive and reassuring approach, and the fact that her actionable insights are backed by medical research. I absolutely recommend Jessica’s health and wellness programs if you want to start feeling like your best self!

~ Quinn Driscoll, CPA/ABV Money Management Educator & Coach